Organizátor: Mafra Slovakia/Future proof s.r.o
Miesto konania: Hotel Saffron Bratislava, Radlinského 27, Bratislava
Registrácia možná do 30.4. 2017.
Súčasťou 2-dňového eventu je niekoľko subkonferencíi zameraných na: Cyber Security 2.0, Smart City, IOT, Industry 4.0, Health/BIO Tech, Investment summit, Trans Tech Burza (CVTI), ICT Enterprise (Bigdata, cloud) a Startup Stage. Podvečer sa bude konať Night summit a Student innovation award. Nebude chýbať business meetings platforma B2B matching.
Registrácia a všetko o podujatí:
Hotel Saffron Bratislava, Radlinského 27, Bratislava
Organizer : Mafra Slovakia/Future proof s.r.o
We have created a platform for innovative ecosystem in Slovakia with ambition to look for distributive channels and opportunity for digital export of Slovak innovators. We are strengthening a PR awareness of wider spectrum of economy innovations. We are creating an opportunity for bilateral meetings, synergies and networking of all concerned parties starting from state representatives, businessmen, innovators, universities, scientists and in last years the often mentioned startup companies. We take work and creation of opportunities for next generations very seriously and thus Student award innovation will be given at the event.
Part of the event are a few subconferences focused on: Cyber Security 2.0, Smart City & regions, IoT, Industry 4.0, Health/BIO Tech, Investment summit, Trans Tech exchange (CVTI), ICT Enterprise (Bigdata, cloud) and Startup Stage. Night summit and Student innovation award will be held in the early evening. Business meetings platform B2B Matching won’t be missing , of course.